Picture URL: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/images/articles/285/285691/pills.jpg
Summary: A recent study from the University of London in England showed that the use of anti-malaria drug could be effective in treating colorectal cancer, and also provide a cheap supplement to expensive treatments. They demonstrated how a common anti-malaria medicine, artesunate, slowed the reproduction of tumor cells in a small group of colorectal patients before they had their tumors removed in a surgery. They also ran a test that lasted for two years with randomly selected patients and broke them into two separate groups: one of the group had the anti-malaria drug along with the other that had placebo. The results were that the survival in the artesunate group was estimated at ninety-one percent, whereas the placebo group only had fifty-seven percent of survival.
Connection to Health Class: This article is connected to health class because we are currently in the drugs and addiction unit. It is well-known that drugs can be malfunctioned, but it can also be very beneficial to the ill. This article pointed out a good view to everyone with a purpose that drugs can be useful if you just use it the right way.
Question: Do you think this will be a new type of treatment to add in our current medication? What kind of side effects might anti-malaria drugs have to our body
Summary: A recent study from the University of London in England showed that the use of anti-malaria drug could be effective in treating colorectal cancer, and also provide a cheap supplement to expensive treatments. They demonstrated how a common anti-malaria medicine, artesunate, slowed the reproduction of tumor cells in a small group of colorectal patients before they had their tumors removed in a surgery. They also ran a test that lasted for two years with randomly selected patients and broke them into two separate groups: one of the group had the anti-malaria drug along with the other that had placebo. The results were that the survival in the artesunate group was estimated at ninety-one percent, whereas the placebo group only had fifty-seven percent of survival.
Connection to Health Class: This article is connected to health class because we are currently in the drugs and addiction unit. It is well-known that drugs can be malfunctioned, but it can also be very beneficial to the ill. This article pointed out a good view to everyone with a purpose that drugs can be useful if you just use it the right way.
Question: Do you think this will be a new type of treatment to add in our current medication? What kind of side effects might anti-malaria drugs have to our body
Link to Article: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/285691.php