Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Drug Addiction To Late....

Nobody knew how bad John’s addiction was, until it was too late
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Summary:  This small article is about a man named John, Rest in peace, that past away at age 28, who had a 3 to 4-year long addiction to Vicodin. After he started working he started cutting off on the drinking, but not completely. Unfortunately he had a serious fall at work that injured his back. From then he was prescribed Vicodin. Then John also went for his physical therapy regularly. John lied to his dad about stopping the Vicodin. John was a great athlete, a baseball player,and had many trophies and awards. John still had that sense of invincibility that so many young people have. John's addiction started to affect every part of his life. No longer could he read, write,or even keep food down. He became ill and isolated.

Connection: In health class we are leaning about drugs and alcohol addictions. We're also learning the affects the human body receives when taking this drug or alcohol.

Question: how does drug addiction affect a human being? why do you think john lied to his dad?


  1. Drug addiction affects a human being by limiting the control they have over their body.They think they're in control but they're not. John probably lied to his dad so then his dad wouldn't feel bad for him that hes going through something like that.

  2. Dug addiction affects a human being because it affects your brain and your body. I think John lied to his dad because he was ashamed that he was addicted to drugs, he didn't want to disappoint him, and because he didn't want his to know what he was dealing with or going through.

  3. A drug addiction affects a human, by making it harder to do things the average person should be able to do. For example it could affect people physically, mentally, and even emotionally. I think John lied to his dad, because he wanted to keep up a good reputation and relationship with hi father. Also, because maybe he did not want to feel bad about himself.

  4. Drug addiction causes your body to stop feeling things. It causes harm to your body and brain. John lied to his Dad about his addiction because his Dad would've made him get help. He didn't want to feel that was he was doing was bad even though he already knew it. He lied to his father because he didn't want to be a disappointment to his family.

  5. Drug addiction affects a human by making him/her want more of that drug, and feel less satisfied then the first time they have taken the drug, so lets say you take cocaine. Cocaine gives you unlimited amount of adrenaline. Their is a part in your brain that gives you that adrenaline when an event or a stimulus happens. If you take cocaine repeatedly then that part of the brain will relay on the cocaine and when you are not taking cocaine and an event or a stimulus happens then your brain will not give you the adrenaline you need. I think John lied to his dad because he was afraid of what his dad will think of him.

  6. He lied to his dad because he didn't want to stop what he was doing and he surely didn't want help because he didn't realize how bad it would affect him. Drugs affects your brain and body negatively, it can cause permanent brain damage and t's really bad for you.

  7. I think that John Lied to his dad because he was scared what would have happened to him if his dad knew. His dad would probably make him stop using the drug and his "friends" would have judged him because he stopped. Another reason is maybe he knew he was dying and did not want his parents to worry about him as he died.
    Drug addiction affects the body in many ways physical and mental. For example, drugs can slow down your neuron transmitters and make you reaction and memory much worse. Also your body will be polluted with bad substances that will make your body not be able to function.

  8. Drug addiction is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. It is a serious problem and can really change someone's entire life. It is journey to overcome and is very difficult. Many people cannot make it out of addiction. John most likely did not tel his dad about his drug addiction because he was afraid of how his father would react. Most of the time, we hide things from our parents to spare the punishments that would come from our actions. Also, it was probably a hard thing to talk about for John which made him even less capable of telling his dad about his serious issue.

  9. Drug addiction can cause someone to lose control of themselves. This can affect someone's life in many other ways. They may lose loved ones or do things they may not have wanted to if they were not on drugs. He may have lied to his dad in fear of getting in trouble and being forced to quit.

  10. Drug addiction is bad for human being because your body can only take so much of something and after a while you body can no longer take it and starts to shut down and things happens like seizures, heart attacks, etc. He might of lied to his dad because he knew what he was doing was wrong but he liked the effects of it how it felt, the highness.

  11. Drugs are bad for your health but can make you feel good, but they can also turn you or any other person into an addict. Drugs to some people are hard to leave, stress and depression can also lead you to drugs because they want to feel the "high". maybe john had just gone through something major and was trying to lift himself up.
    -Arturo Rivera
