Monday, November 10, 2014

After a concussion, when can teens return to the football field?


Summary: Mychal Shaw suffered from a concussion which impaired him to walk and to talk. Due to his injury he had to drop two of his classes. Even after his injury he is still playing for the broncos. In Missouri close to 1,500 high school students have had football related concussions but still went back to playing after two weeks. In 2013 there were 17 football related deaths and all of the victims were highschool students. Due to all of these students going back and playing football again before their concussions have healed have led to Second Impact Syndrome. Second Impact syndrome is when you get a second concussion before the first one has healed leading to death or severe injury. Doctors say that kids should refrain from playing football until ten days after the concussion has healed.

Connection: In health class we have watched Blindside and learned about football.  We have also learned about what happens when the brain is damaged and how it impairs you to complete simple tasks.

Question: When you bike or play sports do you wear a helmet even if you don't want to? How do you Brain defects has affected America today? If you were a football player and got a concussion would you take precautions the next time you play?


  1. I feel like a lot of people don't fully understand what a concussion is, and how harmful they are. There are stories on the news all the time about football players and their concussions but I don't think that America really gets brain damage. It is hard for people to understand an injury that they can't see; the same way it is hard for them to understand mental illnesses. Even though it may not by the "coolest" option, it is always a good idea to wear a helmet. The best way to solve a problem is for it to never happen in the first place.

    1. I also agree that people today do not understand what a concussion is and because of this ignorance more and more people suffer from concussions. We all know that helmets are uncool, but helmets can actually save your life.

  2. I personally don't wear a helmet when I ride a skateboard or bike ride. I do agree that people don't take concussions seriously till it happens to them. When someone get a concussion then they realize they need a helmet. If I was a football player i would be nervous and cautious of playing.

  3. I never wear a helmet when i ride a bike or scooter. I think a lot of people do know what a concussion is they just don't expect it'll happen to them. If i got a concussion i would just take the rest of the days slow and easy so it gets better before it gets worse.

  4. I don't particularly enjoy wearing helmets when I ride a bike, so I don't. However, I think that if you bike on a regular basis or play a contact sport, you should definitely wear one. In football, especially, there is so much brutal force required to play the game that many players get concussions. Depending on the seriousness of the concussion, I would definitely take more precautions.

  5. Is funny, because when I bike on the street, I don't ever wear a helmet, but when I'm biking on mountain terrain, I do. If got a concussion, I would take more precautions and just sit though the game, but if I'm playing against a team that I really want to crush, then the concussions wouldn't matter to me that much anymore.

  6. Whenever I bike (besides trying in a store or a little around my house), I always wear a helmet for both safety and the law. According to, in California, anybody under the age of 18 isn't allowed to bike without a helmet (just saying...). I also feel that people don't care much about brain injuries or defects unless it happens to them or someone close to them, because they aren't the ones actually dealing with the problem. If I got a concussion and knew that I had one, then I would definitely take precautions the next time I play; however, some people who get concussions don't realize they had a concussion or feel the damage from their injury. They don't realize that something seriously harmful had happened to them and they don't feel a reason to stop playing (or know what can happen to them if they get another concussion).

  7. Concussions are very serious injuries that one can encounter. If someone has a concussion, they should take good care of their injury. Meaning that they should talk or visit with a doctor, be supervised by an adult or guardian, and make wise decisions like making the choice of resting or going back to sports. Not saying that you can't return to sports, but it is smart to take your time and have a full, healthy recovery. In conclusion, the injured player needs to take more of a concern to stay safe and to stay healthy.
