Sunday, November 2, 2014

Preschoolers Getting Too Much Screen Time:Survey

Summary: A recent poll shows that around 25% of americans aged 2-5 are getting 3 or more hours of screen time per day. Studies show that kids younger than two years should not have screen time period, and kids who are older should have a maximum of two hours per day. This makes it clear that kids need to be cutting way back on their screen time. The AAP says that parents should avoid having devices in kids bedrooms as well as at the table. People need to see that kids need to shut down more often and be more active, rather than being a couch potato for the rest of their lives.

Connection To Health Class: This article can be related to health class because In health class we have talked about physical fitness and getting more active. Rather than sitting in front of a screen all day.

Question: How can you make an effort to shut down and get active once in a while, and how do you think this excessive screen time will effect this new generation?



  1. What helps me avoid using electronics is taking it out of my sight like in another room or somewhere difficult to get it. Excessive screen time could possibly ruin cognitive function and brain development. I have seen baby holders with I Pad attachments so I think that can ruin eyesight because of how close it is to the baby's face.

    1. I agree, if parents just get their children off their devices and get them outdoors more often they could solve this ongoing problem. It's sad to see this a problem that is so fixable but yet people just don't know the facts, and I think if they did this problem would have never existed.

  2. Something that might help is to look around, where ever you are and look for something else to do other than using technology.The excessive screen time will affect by having sight problems, becoming unhealthier, but most importantly, lack of brain development.

  3. Is it likely that these children will have issues with going outdoors int there future?

  4. Since technology has become such an important resource of our lifestyle today, it has both its benefits and consequences. In order for me to not waste so much time on electronics I can start giving myself an amount of time to be on my devices and do something productive instead. I think excessive screening time for the younger generation will affect them in many ways. One of the many ways is problems with their eye sight and lack of ability to multitask.

  5. What I do to prevent screen time is to turn off my electronic devices, so that I will know that t's off for a reason. I feel like excessive screen time would affect the health of the children, the amount of "outside time" thary're getting and probably their eyesight as well.

  6. I limit screen time by involving myself in extracurricular activities so that I don't sit at home and watch tv after finishing my homework. I think useless screen time, like watching tv and playing video games, will hinder the functions of the next generation. I think if you're learning something during that screen time, like coding or other useful subjects, that will benefit you in the future years, it's okay to have some screen time during the day.
