Thursday, October 30, 2014

Can running outside cause you to be... stupid?

             Summery: Recently, researchers from the Vrije Univesiteit in Brussels, Belgium compared blood tests measuring inflammation and thinking performance in untrained runners who either ran in a city or country spot. Pollution was compared between each environment. Pollution is tested higher in the city than the countryside. Turns out runners (such as track or joggers)  have an inflammation in there white blood cells after running. Levels of each of these measures of inflammation rose in proportion to the level of pollution exposure in city runners. Country side runners had better results on one of the cognitive (thinking) tests compared to city runners. Researchers have had an hypothesis that due to the pollution in the city and the lack of pollution in the country side. Country runners score higher on brain tests than the city runners. 
            Connection: In health we have talked about a Blue mind, which is when you go to the ocean or a pool and all your stress decreases. Similar to that. When you run, The environment around you can actually damage some parts in your brain. In this research, pollution can cause inflammation in the white blood cells. Sounds good right? Well those blood cell start to over power the cells in your brain. Making little space for some knowledge in the temporal lobe and can cause i slight bit difference in your line of thought.

            Question: How much do you run? Do you think that is a healthy amount of time for your body to get the health in exercise that it needs? If so, have you seen a difference in your performance in thinking? If not, what goal would you like to make to exercise more?


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Men Get Eating Disorders Too"
Jon Derek Croteau, was diagnosed with an eating disorder when he was in his 20s. No one had ever talked to him about eating disorders in men, so he was quite uncomfortable to label it as that. Eating disorders were, and still are, considered a disease more common in girls, and with his already self conscious feelings about his homosexuality, revealing he might have a 'girl' disease was almost too much. And the fact that no one even considered it didn't help him to realize the truth. When he went to the doctors, they referred to it as 'runner's' hematuria (blood in urine) due to an excessive amount of running. 20 years later, his friend started to show signs of eating disorders (depression, anxiety, loss of appetite, constipation, etc), and lost 50 pounds in a matter of months. The countless doctors and and specialists figured it must be something part of his diet, so they started to take many things out and he ended up with hardly any food left. At that point, no one knew what to do. Over time, he was able to find a psychologist who was willing to consider the fact that it might have been an eating disorder, and treat him based off of the inference and helped him to get better.

Connection: In health class, we went over different eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, etc, the symptoms of these eating disorders, the outcomes, and the effect they had on the people. We also talked about how many models tended to have eating disorders, and how it was mostly found in girls due to the online representation of women.

Question: Do you believe that more women have eating disorders then men? Why? Do you believe in the future we will be able to consider eating disorders not just a disease found in women, but a disease that doctors would recognize for all genders?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chocolate Improves Memory  

Summary: A study done by Nature Neuroscience had people aged 50 to 69 drink a cocoa flavor drink with high amounts antioxidants every day for 3 months. They brought the people back in who had the drink and they tested better in memory then those who did not have the drink. They estimated that the drink made the people have the memory of people two to three decades younger then them. Craig Stark, a neurobiologist in the experiment stated that the antioxidants in the cocoa drink caused the blood flow to increase,

Connection: We have talked about how antioxidants are good for you and also about loss of memory as people get older. This talks about how it gets more blood to your brain which keeps the ability to retain memories. 

Question: Do you think with all the new information about chocolate coming out that it still is unhealthy? Why or why not?

7 ways to stop unhealthy eating

Many people have food cravings. These cravings lead to obesity and a loss of self-control. Scientist and doctors have now found 7 ways to stop these cravings. Number one: Asking whether you are hungry. Many people when craving are not actually hungry, they just like the taste. If you are not hungry don't eat food. Number Two: Consider what your body really needs. If your body does not need the energy and/or nutrients don't eat it. Number Three: Pay attention to what you crave. If you are craving a certain food you may need to se a doctors help. Number Four: Stop the train of Though. Just don't think about eating. Number Five: Look for a distraction. Look for a distraction that will take your mind of eating food. Number Six: Cut yourself a break. Do not cut cold turkey, decrease by small portions until you don't have to eat the food anymore. Number Seven: Prevent food cravings in the firs place. Do not start a food craving if you do not already have one.

Relation to Health Class:
We have been talking about obesity, and food cravings is a main part of this. I felt that this was a good fix to this problem.

Discussion Question:
Do you think these methods will work on you if you had a food craving? Why or why not?

Monday, October 27, 2014

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much

You probably aren’t at much risk of major side effects if you consume up to four 8-ounce cups of filtered coffee early in the day.

Summary: The amount of caffeine a person needs to stay keep them awake depends on the person. For some people, a weak cup of tea is enough to boost them for their day. For others, a double espresso is needed just to get themselves ready. Most coffee drinkers experience the light symptoms like nervousness or insomnia, but a few will experience severe symptoms. It is possible to die from too much caffeine, only if you intake around 140 8 ounce cups of coffee in one day. However to make sure you are not at risk for major side effects, you may only take less than four 8 ounce cups of coffee per day. If you are not experiencing any side effects, then you are okay. 

Connection: We recently talked about leading a healthy lifestyle, which includes maintaining a healthy diet. In order to stay healthy, you cannot have too much caffeine because caffeine blocks neurotransmitters like dopamine. 

Discussion Question: How much caffeine do you drink in a day? From what do you get this caffeine? (tea, coffee, etc) Does the caffeine benefit you, or do you experience a few symptoms?

Eating Disorder in Children

Summary: Many people believe that eating disorders starts during the teen years when the kids are very stressed and judged. This is not always the case, research shows that some of the eating disorder found in kids are from when they were children. Many kids use self induced vomiting and starvation to stay skinny. Many kids today do this to have self approval and the approval of other because in todays society it is wrong to be overweight or anything but skinny. This is a way for the kids to fit in with each other and feel belonged. This is also a growing problem because once the kids start they think that this is how their body should function and think that they should keep doing this disorder that they have. One of the biggest reasons kids do this is because of how they are treated by others and how they think of their self. Although, people may try to help, many people can not break this scary disorder and usually do not try to go to help. 

Connection: This connect to health class because we were talking about how teens and college students use tactics to stay skinny and to fit in. A lot of teens and college students think that this is not a serious problem and that they could stop anytime but after a while their body will become dependent on it and it will become a very unhealthy habit and a hard one to break. This is a lifestyle disease and its up to whether you have it or want to keep it or not.

Discussion Question: What would you do if your friend had a eating disorder and they were not seeking help? Would you step in and try to help? If so, how would you help? If not, why wouldn't you?

What effect do bananas have on you?


Summary: Just about everyone knows that fruits are suppose to be healthy for you but, because of the ingredients found in them today they're slightly unhealthy for us in some ways. Bananas are one of America's most iconic and valued fruits because of their sweet taste. However, what makes it sweet is it contains 14 grams of sugar and 3.1 grams of fiber. Bananas are suppose to be eaten when they're ripe but, the more ripe a banana is the higher sugar it contains. Unripe bananas aren't good to eat because they're hard to digest. 

Connection to health class: We recently talked about obesity and how we need a better diet so we can avoid diseases but, bananas are providing us what we are trying to abstain.

Question: Do you think bananas are unhealthy for us? If so what negative effect do they have on us? Should we take them out from our diet?

Boy, Girl, or Human?

Summary: Kelsey Beckham is an agender teenager. They grew up in Michigan, and struggled with people using the “default” pronoun of “she,” given that Kelsey was born with female anatomy. Another issue they faced growing up in such a community was the speculation that they were dating their best friend, since both of them have short hair. Lastly, and most importantly, their mom finds Kelsey's gender difficult to understand, although she is trying. Currently, they are in college, where they plan on completely embracing their gender identity.

Connection to Health Class: We recently talked about bullying, the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community, and National Coming Out Day, all of which apply to Kelsey's life.

Questions: Do you know anyone who doesn't identify within the gender binary? If so, how does it affect your relationship with them? If not, how would it? Alternatively, have you ever considered a non-binary identity? Have you even heard of gender identities other than male or female (no, transgender doesn't count)?

Dealing with Alcoholism at Home

 Article Summary: Many people start drinking at a young age. There are multiple reasons to why they do it. As you grow older, this may become a serious problem. Alcoholism strongly affects not only you, but those around you as well. Trying to cope with an alcoholic parent is very difficult and can cause you to feel sad, frustrated and/or embarrassed. It is important to remember that a persons drinking is never your fault, so never blame yourself. Alcoholism is a serious disease that only goes away if the person abusing alcohol wants it to. It is hard enough being a teen, and on top of that having to deal with an alcoholic parent can make you feel unstable. Although you may be ashamed of your situation, admitting there is a problem is the first step. It is important to be aware of what's going on and to never be afraid to ask for help.
Connections to the class: In health class we have talked about alcohol and drug abuse. A lot of people are unaware of how serious of a problem this is. No matter what people say, this is a disease and can be treated with therapy. We also have seen how situations like these can break families apart and cause depression. This is a lifestyle disease, and it is up to you to decide if you want to live this way or not.
Discussion Question: What would you do to help a friend going through something similar to this? What's a way of coping?


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Benefits of Coffee


Article Summary: According to a study shown in the journal of Nature Neuroscience, coffee can increase your short term memory after studying or a session, similar to studying before sleeping. A research team being leaded by Daniel Borota from the John Hopkins university took part in a study to determine whether coffee impacts memory by showing people of 18-30 years of age a series of pictures, then the next day they would be shown new pictures and tested to see how close the pictures were to the original ones they've been shown previously. The results came to find that those who took caffein were better at identifying pictures that were similar, but in terms of new and old pictures they found that both groups who did and didn't take caffein were similar. They continued these studies and concluded that at least 200 mg of caffein is required to see an improvement of memory.

Connections to health class: In heath class we learn about how certain substances affect our body in either positive or negative ways. Health class teaches us what to avoid and what to thrive for to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and this article connects to health class because it's suggesting to us that caffein benefits us and contributes to a healthy lifestyle. 

Question: How often do you drink coffee or other products that contain caffein? Does this article give enough information for you to determine whether or not you should intake more caffein? 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Don't get Tricked! Some Halloween Treats Are Downright Scary!


Each year more than 40 to 50 million kids hit the streets and sidewalks around their neighborhood to go trick-or-treating. Most of those kids have one thing on their mind: CANDY,CANDY & MORE CANDY. And they'll find plenty of it alright. but some Halloween candy are just downright scary!
Candy Corn: Candy Corn has more than a gram of sugar in every piece, and Red 3, which is used to color candy corn, has been given a "high concern" rating by the Environmental Working Group because it's a carcinogen.Dots: Because of their gummy texture, Dots are very hard to get off your teeth. The longer sugar makes contact with tooth enamel, the higher the chance of decay. In addition, red and orange Dots get their coloring from Red 40, which has components that are suspected to cause cancer.Twizzlers: Those rainbow hues are awesome, but the hues in Twizzlers Twists come courtesy of Red 40 and Yellow 6, both of which have a degree of cancer risk.Laffy Taffy: Sour candies are very damaging to tooth enamel, and because taffy like Laffy Taffy sticks to your teeth, it's double trouble. (A pH of 2.5 is very hard on your mouth.) In addition, the Environmental Working Group has concerns about the Red 40 and Yellow 6.Skittles: The sour side of the rainbow is particularly bad for your tooth enamel because of its acidic pH of 2.2. Sour Skittles are dyed with Red 40 and Yellow 6, which are considered hazardous to your health.

But don’t be scare,Halloween isn't all about eating dangerous candy , kids go walking that night too. If an average boy walks about five miles during two hours of trick-or-treating, he would burn 446 calories.

That's the good news. And the bad new?? That equals about five to six fun size candy bars - so only a little indulging will undo all of that exercise.

But hey!!, it's not all that bad. After all, one could argue that Americans should eat MORE chocolate if you compare U.S. chocolate intake with the Swiss. The average American eats 10-12 lbs. of chocolate per year. In Switzerland, meanwhile, the average person eats 21 lbs. per year. However, while the U.S. eats less chocolate, U.S. obesity rates are around 35.7% while the obesity rates in Switzerland is substantially lower at 8.1%. Yes, we know that doesn't mean go out, eat chocolate and you’ll lose weight. There are plenty of other factors affecting these rates, but it does present an example that giving into a sweet side doesn't necessarily mean you have to throw your health out the door.

And good news, chocolate has been linked to numerous health benefits - studies have tied dark chocolate to lower rates of heart disease, less stress, and faster weight loss (the filling nature of rich, dark chocolate can cut cravings.)
So on this Halloween, enjoy the holiday and encourage to snack smart!
And let's just say the''haunt'' for unhealthy is over.
Connection with Health Class: Recently we wrote a paragraph about obesity, and a brief discussion about  obesity rate and what food is good for you.

Question: Are you going trick or treating? if you are, are you still going to eat candies  that is hazardous to your health?(I know the images above are VERY tempting, buy stay focus!! And maybe tell a story about what you do to your Halloween candy! ☺)

Artificial Sweeteners and their effect on Blood Sugar Control

Image URL:
Article Source:

Article Summary:  Recent studies have shown how artificial sweeteners can disrupt your body's blood sugar controls causing obesity and diabetes in some cases.  The sweeteners change the microbiome, or the population of bacteria in the digestive system, The sweeteners cause the level of bacteria to rise higher than normal while eating and fall slowly.  Scientists have found that the sudden change in the microbiome can cause obesity and diabetes.  Artificial sweeteners were found to help lose weight at first, but other researchers found that it actually made you gain more weight than with normal sugar.  Researchers tested this theory on mice by feeding them different sweeteners mixed in with their water and found that the mice started to not tolerate large amounts of glucose.  The body needs glucose because if you have too little or too much of it, you are at a higher risk of getting diabetes.

Connection with Health Class:  This connects to health class because we've had a whole unit on how to keep your body healthy and fit.  

Question:  Do you use artificial sweeteners in your drinks?  If so, what are some ways you could get off using them?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Teens Struggle to Catch Up on their Sleep

Article Summary: Most adolescents are known for getting around six to seven hours of sleep on a school night. A mother of a 14-year-old questioned whether lights out at midnight and an alarm waking him at 7:30am to get to school on time gave him enough sleep to function well throughout the day. A majority of the boys said it was enough and that they could "Catch-up" on their sleep on the weekends. Experts concluded that Americans in today's century receive an optimal amount of sleep corresponding to their age, and that teens are more likely to fall short compared to anyone else. Dr. Judith A. Owens said in an interview that "Sleep is not optional. It's a sleep imperative, like eating, breathing and physical activity. This is a huge issue for adolescents." Where most teens "blow-off" sleep to go hang out with friends and have "all nighters". According to Dr. Owens, the insufficient amount of sleep they receive risks high blood pressure and heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. School start times, parental pressure and over scheduled days all add into the reasons most teenagers do not get the sufficient amount of sleep and not function effectively through the day. 

Connection with Health Class: We had a brief discussion in the beginning of the on the amount of sleep we get and should have. Not everyone receives the amount of sleep they should, this causes an effect with our alertness throughout the day. Things like pressure and over scheduled days add up to the reasons why teenagers lack sleep and have those "lazy-days".

Question: How much sleep do you get (on average) every night? Do you think you get enough sleep? Why or why not? What can you do to improve our time of sleep? 

Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers


Date: 10/20/14

Summary: In health class, we have already learned about how sleep deprivation affects our physical and mental health. But what really causes sleep deprivation? There are plentiful ways you can get sleep deprived. One of those ways is that for teenagers, their sleeping cycle can shift up to two hours, making it hard to maintain a proper sleeping schedule. Another way is that electronic devices cut into your sleeping time. Using your phones, checking social media, watching TV, playing video games, etc. makes it harder for you to get sleep. One other way is that people have a lot of events going on in their life, like sports, clubs, work, and other time-consuming events. 

Connections with Health Class: We have covered the topic of sleep and sleep deprivation and how it affects you postively or negatively. We have gone over how not getting enough sleep can lead to bad grades, stress, obesity, and many risky things. We have watched videos such as "The Science of Sleep,"  we have taken notes, and we have gone on websites learning about the topic.

Discussion Question: How can you improve your sleeping period? Is there any methods you can try to do to help you sleep?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Doctors try to calm Ebola Fears

picture link: 6b828a50b.gif

Summary: Is the current 'outbreak"of Ebola in the U.S considered justified? The medical field insists that it is not. Logini, a professor of biostatistics, says that the U.S will not see no more than 100 Ebola cases. Another doctor and medical historian by the name of Howard Markel says that the majority of epidemics such as Ebola are accompanied by fear. He cautions Americans not to overreact the situation.  "We all need to take a breath and do a reality check," says Markel.

Connection to health class: This topic has a connection to our class because we are worried about our physical health. Although the """outbreak""" is in Texas, we seem to get so caught up in the media (connecting to technology). We are even beginning to believe every small thing some """big""" celebrity of any sorts says to us. We need to start becoming leaders, not followers; we need to think for ourselves for once.

Question to discuss: How has the Media affected how you think about yourself?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Nurse with Ebola, Boards Plane


Recovered, In Treatment,  Died

Summary: Nurse, Amber Joy Vinson, one of the members from the medical team that helped and cared for Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan, Boarded a Plane From Ohio to Texas on Monday. On that Monday she had no signs of any symptoms of Ebola. The next Tuesday she reported having high fever. Between the time of the flight and her first report of being ill, The Center of Disease Control (C.D.C) contacted the 132 passengers of the flight that she was on and directed them to call C.D.C hotline. Passengers that are considered any potential risk will be actively monitored.

Connection to Class: Ebola is a very scary and deadly disease that is contagious. In class we learned how diseases can be spread through sexual contact, and through other ways such as coughing and sneezing. Some ways that Ebola can spread are: coughing, sneezing, or direct contact with someone infected .

Class questions: What preventative measures can you take to protect yourself from diseases?

State gave Sayreville high score on anti-bullying program in March

Article Link:

This article connects with health because it shows what can happen when you anti bully. This article talks about a high school in New Jersey that scored very high on it's anti-bullying programs. But earlier this year 7 football players were arrested for bullying. In addition the football season was cancelled due to this bullying.

What does this article teach us about bullying and how to stop it?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

National Coming Out Day 2014

Poster: Juliet Bost

Pic URL:


Summary: On Saturday, October 11, 2014, HRC and the LBGT community and its allies celebrated National Coming Out Day (NOCD). NOCD is a day to celebrate those who have come out as LGBT or as an ally, and those who choose to live openly and authentically. October 11 is also the anniversary of the LGBT March on Washington in 1987.

Connections to Health Class: When someone is not honest or true to themself, it can affect their mental and emotional health. Living a "lie", or not being honest with oneself, can lead to confusion, sometimes anger, and even fear, causing a person to act out in a way that is destructive to themself or others around them. Being honest is a hard choice to make because some of us might be afraid of what others will say or do. The video "Straightlaced" called attention to gender stereotypes that are often expected of us, but there are also racial stereotypes that are seldom broken. Living in these stereotypes is great, if you truly enjoy it. But defying stereotypes should be just as accepted. After all, you are still you, just an honest, happier version.

Discussion Prompt: Have you ever felt the need to be honest about yourself, but some outside force was stopping you? How can you avoid trapping yourself in a "fake" you?

The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast

Summary: People sometimes skip breakfast to lose wight, but that actually makes weight control more difficult. Studies show that breakfast gives you more energy to start the day and that people who eat breakfast weigh less because eating a heathy breakfast can reduce hunger through out the day and help people make better food choices. Eating a healthy breakfast can also help teens perform better in a classroom, concentration, and with problem solving.

Connection to health class: Eating a healthy breakfast is important for your mental and physical health. A healthy breakfast can give you the nutrients to lead the day and help you control your wight which leads to the connection of mental and physical health that we have learned in class. 

Question: Why do people skip breakfast and what is your view of a healthy breakfast?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dangerous Diet Trend: The Cotton Ball Diet - ABC News

Summary: As we all know people especially women are trying to find new ways to lose weight but sometimes we must result to the extreme. The cotton ball diet is a new trend that supposedly the user must consume 5 cotton balls dunked in juice, then the user must consume the cotton balls one after another. The problem with this "miracle diet" is that cotton is not digestible, in fact most cotton balls sold in stores aren't even cotton! That's right, most "cotton" balls are composed of synthetic and polyester fibers making them drowned in chemicals. Another problem with this diet is that it does not supply the necessary essentials for life. Since cotton isn't food it doesn't supply the user with calories or any other nutrient and the juice doesn't help much either at most you will receive 5 calories and a bit of sugar per ball. A surprising health factor is that this diet can effect your bowel movement in a dangerous case causing a huge mass of cotton in your stomach that ins't going to go anywhere. In the path to weight lost the cotton ball diet is something you never want to do. 

Connection to health class: In health we learn about what it means to maintain a healthy life style. Trying to keep balance in the foods we eat and using common sense. The cotton ball diet is something that we can't prevent but it is something we can say no to.

Question: How can we sustain a healthy life style? How can we help others out especially if they are resulting to dangerous trends to lose weight?          

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New layer of U.S. airport screening planned to guard against Ebola



Summary: As Ebola, a West African disease thatcan be passed through bodily fluids, continues spreading, the CDC teams up with American airports  decide on taking precautions at airports to try and prevent the disease from spreading. The CDC set out an Ebola-Protection policy on Wednesday for travelers coming to the United Sates from 
Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, countries that have been reported to have the most cases of Ebola. It is to be used in the five airports that show to have 94% of travelers coming from the three West African countries to the U.S., John F. Kennedy in New York, Washington-Dulles near Washington D.C., Newark in New Jersey,O'Hare in Chicago, and Hartsfield-Jackson in Atlanta.The Policy calls for a health check conducted in a private area at these airports where question related to the Ebola symptoms are asked to travelers. If you are not suspected withe disease, you're free to go, but will have to monitor their health. If you are shown to have a symptoms of Ebola, an onsite CDC health officer will take you in for further analysis.

Connection to Health Class: In class, we learn about different disease you can get from sexual relations with someone if you do not take precautions or use protection. Ebola is a disease that spreads through bodily fluids that can cause death if you are not careful with your simple actions. like sneezing or coughing.

Questions: Do you think Ebola can be related to diseases like STDs? What is an action that can get you infected with Ebola? 

Did Fruit Contribute to Apple's Success?

Summary: Food with levels of tyrosine allow us to think more creatively. It also improves our daily/creative thinking. Studies show that people who eat food with more tyrosine solve puzzles faster than people who eat food without a lot of tyrosine.

Connection with Health Class: Having a Healthy diet is important for your mental and physical health. It decreases you risk for having diseases which are caused by what you eat and how active you are in life.

Discussion Question: Do you think having a healthy diet is important even if you are involved in many activities? Why do you think food with tyrosine helps people think more creatively?

The Surprising Way Running Affects Your Brain (and Appetite)

Photo: Getty Images

Summary:  Running is known to have many benefits on one’s health.  For example, it reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  It can also help the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) which is the part of the brain that controls thoughts and actions.  A recent study was done in to test what the DLPFC was used for.  The result was people had more cravings for unhealthy foods when it wasn’t working properly.  Therefore, if running helps the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex function, then it also stops cravings for junk food.
Connection with Health Class:  This article ties together the brain and nutrition.  It explains how each part of the brain has a function.  One of the functions of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is to tell the body what it should eat and depending on how well that part of the brain is working, we eat different things.

Discussion Questions:  Do you feel drawn to certain foods after exercising? Do you always eat the same things to replenish your energy?  Do you think the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may have more than one function?

Monday, October 6, 2014



Summary: A new study finds that just 1 in 4 young teens meet U.S. fitness guidelines. The study finds that most kids ages 12 to 15 aren’t getting enough physical activity. The results are based on about 800 kids. The young teens tracked and reported on their own activity levels, and took physical exams. U.S. fitness guidelines recommend an hour or more of physical activity every day. According to the study, only 1 in 4 U.S. kids meet the recommendation. Few kids in the survey met the guidelines for physical activity that raises the heart rate and makes you breathe harder. However, most of those kids said they did at least an hour of exercise at that level during the previous week. Overall, about 25% said they got an hour of that kind of strenuous exercise every day. Kids also reported on which activities they did most often outside of school gym class—basketball for boys and running for girls. The study found that obese teens were less active than normal-weight girls and boys. The study also says that the overall obesity rate for children aged 2 to 19 is 17%, or about 12.5 million kids. Pont said research suggests kids who get physical education at school may get better grades. He said schools can help giving kids more time for physical activity.

Connection with health class: We have talked in class about obesity and we have learned that obesity levels have increased in the past decades in the United States. Fitness affect on obese population and on people's physical health. Each day there are more things to do other than play sports, like technologies. People prefer to play videogames instead of going out and do exercise. That can also affect obesity levels.

Questions: How often do you exercise? How much time do you spend doing exercise out of school hours? Which sports do you practice?

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Healthier School Lunches

Summary: Schools cut down on their amount of calories in their school lunches. They went from an unhealthy portion to a healthier calorie count and more veggies. Schools also cut whole fat milk out of the meal and the calories stood at 750-850  for middle and high schoolers. When kids said that the "new improved" lunches left them hungry at the end of the day, schools went back and revised their lunches and added more meat and grain servings but made sure they were still healthy.

Connection to Health Class: We have learned that obesity has sky-rocketed in the last couple of decades all around the United States. We have also learned that the number of kids under eighteen years of age has gone up as well. School lunches definitely has an impact on this rise in percentages because when children ingest these unhealthy lunches loaded with calories and processed, fake food, it is clogs arteries and can definitely cause Type 2 Diabetes and obesity.

Discussion Question: If you buy lunch, do our lunches leave you hungry at the end of the day? Are they appetizing to you, why or why not? What would you add or get rid of in our own lunches here at Aragon and why?

Early Age of First Drink Connected with Alcoholism


Summary:  A new study has found that there is a connection between the age people are when they first drink and whether or not they become heavy drinkers. The younger people are when they have their first alcoholic drink, the more likely they are to become alcoholics and binge drink. If kids have their first drink while still in high school, their risk of becoming binge drinkers is increased.

Connection: We have learned in health class how substance abuse and addiction can be hereditary. We know that high school and college kids are more likely to binge drink. We have studied how substance abuse can be a way for students to deal with stress from schoolwork. This article shows how being introduced to alcohol when you are still a teen can also put you at greater risk for addiction.

Question: Do you think there is a way to delay kids from drinking to reduce the number of future alcoholics? Is it possible to lessen the academic and social stress on students so they don't feel pressured to drink in the first place?

Saturday, October 4, 2014

New Blood Test 'Could Accurately Predict Heart Attack Risk'


Date: 10/4/14

Summary: A new procedure that was created called the High- Definition Circulating Endothelial Cell assay, allowed researchers to identify and differentiate endothelial cells of blood samples from patients, who have suffered from heart attacks. The research team found that the HD-CEC was able to detect the circulating endothelial cells in the blood of the patients. The researchers say the test was able to do that because the test used a direct analysis method. So, the researchers say the HD-CEc can accurately detect the circulating endothelial cells in patients which means that the test could later be used to predict heart attack risk. 

Connection With Health Class: This topic relates to health class because we talked about the different diseases someone can get, whether it comes from one of the seven health risk behaviors, being unhealthy, or a disease developed from family members. 

Discussion Question: Do you think that this test can actually predict heart attack risk? Do you think a heart attack could be predicted without the test or any test being done?

How to know if you are in an unhealthy relationship?

summary: In an abusive and unhealthy relationship there is no trust not respect him/her want all power of him/her or the whole relationship its self abuse in a relationship can happen to any one girl or boy. The person that is doing the abuse may be sweet sometimes and angry or controlling the other this article by Stay shows how you can tell if you or someone els is in an unhealthy relationship and also how to stop it.

Connection with health class: 
So far in health class we have been lea ringing about how know if we or someone els is in an unhealthy relationship. We have been talking about what make a good relationship and what dose not we have also been talking about abusive relationships and how not only girls but also boys suffer from this. 

Question for Health class: What is your idea of a healthy relationship? How would you stop an unhealthy relationship from happening? 

How to know if you are in an unhealthy relationship?