Sunday, October 19, 2014

Doctors try to calm Ebola Fears

picture link: 6b828a50b.gif

Summary: Is the current 'outbreak"of Ebola in the U.S considered justified? The medical field insists that it is not. Logini, a professor of biostatistics, says that the U.S will not see no more than 100 Ebola cases. Another doctor and medical historian by the name of Howard Markel says that the majority of epidemics such as Ebola are accompanied by fear. He cautions Americans not to overreact the situation.  "We all need to take a breath and do a reality check," says Markel.

Connection to health class: This topic has a connection to our class because we are worried about our physical health. Although the """outbreak""" is in Texas, we seem to get so caught up in the media (connecting to technology). We are even beginning to believe every small thing some """big""" celebrity of any sorts says to us. We need to start becoming leaders, not followers; we need to think for ourselves for once.

Question to discuss: How has the Media affected how you think about yourself?


  1. It has affected me by thinking every person that coughs has Ebola and I'm paranoid thinking that someone in Texas had it and u can easily get it and u will die once u get it 😁

  2. It has made me really paranoid that Ebola is going to break out and kill us all.

  3. Ebola has gotten me worried that i can get it cause we have already hear of so many outbreaks.
