Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Nurse with Ebola, Boards Plane


Recovered, In Treatment,  Died

Summary: Nurse, Amber Joy Vinson, one of the members from the medical team that helped and cared for Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan, Boarded a Plane From Ohio to Texas on Monday. On that Monday she had no signs of any symptoms of Ebola. The next Tuesday she reported having high fever. Between the time of the flight and her first report of being ill, The Center of Disease Control (C.D.C) contacted the 132 passengers of the flight that she was on and directed them to call C.D.C hotline. Passengers that are considered any potential risk will be actively monitored.

Connection to Class: Ebola is a very scary and deadly disease that is contagious. In class we learned how diseases can be spread through sexual contact, and through other ways such as coughing and sneezing. Some ways that Ebola can spread are: coughing, sneezing, or direct contact with someone infected .

Class questions: What preventative measures can you take to protect yourself from diseases?


  1. There are numerous ways on how you can protect yourself from diseases. You can get immunizations or vaccines to prevent yourself from obtaining a certain disease. You can also try to be careful around who you're with in public or among your family. Another way to prevent diseases is to be hygenic, like cough on your sleeve or wash your hands and stuff like that. These are just some of the many ways you can prevent catching diseases.

  2. The most effective ways that stop you from having diseases are pretty easy. It all depends on your hygiene. You can wash your hands after eating food and also if you accidentally coughed on your hands.You need to take a good bath everyday to get rid of all the germs. You should wear a shirt on day and then put it in the washing machine you should especially do this if you are hanging out with people who are sick. If you or someone else you know have a or virus disease should avoid touching your mouth so it doesn't go inside.

  3. Depending on the circumstance, some approaches to preventing yourself from catching certain diseases may be more useful than others. I would believe that vaccines or shots would be the best known method. Hygienic issues also play a factor in this, due to the fact that if your environment is healthier, you tend to display the same. There are many precautions that can be taken, I'd suggest wash your hands whenever possible.

  4. There are many ways to stop diseases from spreading or obtaining some diseases. If you want to prevent a disease from spreading, cover you're mouth when coughing with tissue or use elbow but DON'T use you're hands.To prevent your self from obtaining one wash you're hands often kill germs.

  5. No joke, I would not board a plane until one year AFTER Ebola blows over, and I hope it will soon. If I could, I would seclude myself from even slightly sick people and I may be what some people call a germaphobic. Diseases in general...I try not to sneeze on other people and I hope they return the same favor. I also hope others wash hands, (I do) and stay clean.

  6. There are many ways to protect you from deseases. I think the most important thing is to get vaccines or shots, they are easy to get. Also, it's important to be hygienic, wash your hands everytime you can, be careful when you sneeze, so you don't do it on other person and you do it on your elbow. Don't sneeze on your hands. Everytime you know someone is sick, try not to have much contact with them, and if you are sick, don't go outside, stay at home so your germs do not spread.

  7. All you really have to do to prevent disease is to stay clean and surround yourself in a clean environment and stay clean. This doesn't mean isolate yourself from everything but be aware of your surroundings. The little things like covering your mouth when coughing or washing you hands after you use the bathroom can help you stay clean.

  8. Hygiene is very important when it comes to disease protection. Something as simple as washing your hands can help you stay disease-free. Also, I would stay away from people with disease, as some diseases are highly contagious. You can help yourself stay warm so that you don't catch a cold. When other people sneeze, make sure they sneeze into their sleeve instead of out in the open.

  9. There are many preventative measures that may be taken to reduce the chance of catching a disease. Many of the things you can do are small things, like washing your hands, keeping up with your vaccines and wearing clean clothes. Additionally, things such as keeping away from people who are sick or wearing a long sleeve shirt on a cold day can greatly help. Almost always chances of disease can be reduced greatly through hygiene and taking preventative measures.

  10. To prevent disease you should always go to yearly doctor check ups and get the vaccinations that you need. As other students said you can preform simple actions like washing your hands or covering your mouth when you sneeze. If you do get sick always make sure to stay home for at least a day before returning to work or school.

  11. I could do many things to prevent disease. I could carry around hand sanitizer, I could go to the doctor, and I could even stay home if I get sick. These actions are all very simple and can be quite effective in trying to stop the spread of disease.

  12. To prevent diseases the most important thing is to go to a doctor and get the vaccinations you need. Also the small actions in your daily life like wash your hands, wear clean clothes, brush your teeth, wash your face and take showers. If you are feeling a little sick and when your coughing or sneezing make sure to cover your mouth and have tissues wipe the snot so that your saliva or snot won't go to other people.

  13. Some simple and effective ways to prevent diseases is to continuously wash your hands throughout the day (using soap and washing under hot water for around 20 seconds), covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze (not with your hands), and washing your hands after you cough or sneeze. If you feel sick at all, you should immediately try to treat it before it gets any worse. Also, you should take vaccines and immunizations to prevent serious diseases.

  14. Some ways I would protect myself from the deadly disease Ebola is wearing a medical mask over my mouth and nose. This should be shared so others may protect themselves, too.

  15. Just stay clean, constantly wash your hands, and avoid contact with suspected Ebola victims and with strangers.

  16. Some ways are to stay clean and be aware of your personal hygiene. Staying away from close contact with strangers is also another way to protect yourself.
