Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dangerous Diet Trend: The Cotton Ball Diet - ABC News

Summary: As we all know people especially women are trying to find new ways to lose weight but sometimes we must result to the extreme. The cotton ball diet is a new trend that supposedly the user must consume 5 cotton balls dunked in juice, then the user must consume the cotton balls one after another. The problem with this "miracle diet" is that cotton is not digestible, in fact most cotton balls sold in stores aren't even cotton! That's right, most "cotton" balls are composed of synthetic and polyester fibers making them drowned in chemicals. Another problem with this diet is that it does not supply the necessary essentials for life. Since cotton isn't food it doesn't supply the user with calories or any other nutrient and the juice doesn't help much either at most you will receive 5 calories and a bit of sugar per ball. A surprising health factor is that this diet can effect your bowel movement in a dangerous case causing a huge mass of cotton in your stomach that ins't going to go anywhere. In the path to weight lost the cotton ball diet is something you never want to do. 

Connection to health class: In health we learn about what it means to maintain a healthy life style. Trying to keep balance in the foods we eat and using common sense. The cotton ball diet is something that we can't prevent but it is something we can say no to.

Question: How can we sustain a healthy life style? How can we help others out especially if they are resulting to dangerous trends to lose weight?          


  1. To keep a healthy lifestyle you need to get the essential nutrients, from the food groups. To help others I would tell them the dangers of the wight loss trend. If they dose not work I would tell them they are perfect just the way they are no questions asked. Lastly I would explain the importance of a healthy diet.

  2. To sustain a healthy life style you just need to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast eat a lot, so that you can get enough energy for the day. for lunch eat something that is healthy like some type of grain like rice and eat some kind of protein and for dinner eat light. If someone is doing something dangerous for there diet then I would try to explain why that is a bad idea.

  3. I feel like this relates a lot to bulimia or other eating disorders, which can be extremely dangerous. As this often stems from the fear of being seen as overweight, any body negative comments, whether about skinny or fat people, should not be mentioned. Instead, one should focus on emotions and concern for said person's health. For this sort of thing, though, one really should try to convince whoever is undergoing such a diet to talk to a specialist.

  4. You can be healthy by eating a variety of healthy foods like vegetables and fruits or by even checking how much calories something has. In addition to that you can also workout. You can help people by trying to make them feel better about themselves and tell them that there is a better solution for what they are trying to do.

  5. If i saw one of my friends with unhealthy eating behaviors i would ask them questions and i would encourage them to stop. The i would try and help them gain healthy eating behaviors.

  6. to keep a healthy lifestyle you need to be balanced and eat foods like vegetables and also eat some things like junk food and things and mix the foods up. If i saw one of my friends doing something like this i would tell him or her that its not the right way and go with a healthier way like eating more vegetables and dong physical exercise.

  7. To live a healthy life, we must balance out our diet and our physical activity. We have to eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables each day. Also, we need to exercise at least an hour each day. If I were to see one of my friends involved in an unhealthy diet I would simply help them in trying a healthy diet and reminding them of the harms that can come from their choices.

  8. To sustain a healthy lifestyle, it really depends whether or not we give importance to our health life. We should be making healthy eating choices, exercising or being active in some way regularly. Also, it is important we get to know how our bodies work and what affects you in good and/or bad ways. If you are unhappy with your body image it is possible you get desperate and follow really dumb advice to lose weight, such as this cotton diet. If you or someone you know is going through frustration of wanting to lose weight, we need to be very aware of the choices we make and be supportive as well as motivated. We should be there for our friends and maybe hit the gym together or make healthier eating choices so that they do not resort to dangerous suggestions. The key to it all is awareness, know what is going on around you and always take care of your body.

  9. To maintain a strong and healthy lifestyle, we must be able to balance our life from the meals we have along with the amount of exercise we strive for. It all depends on the time you are able to set aside for certain things, like exercise, an outdoor activity free from the tech-world. Our choices all rely on the way our body responds to certain things. For example, a dramatic change in you diet, such as this "Miracle Diet", can give your body an unpleasant reaction from the fact that your body is known to digest natural nutrients from actual foods. People who undergo dangerous trends like this are frustrated with the fact they have to lose all this weight just to measure up to what we all believe is "normal". We all know at least one person who has tried these dangerous diets to lose weight, and by convincing them that weight or body image does not define who you are as a person, can help them realize that they normal as they are. And if this person does need the help to lose the weight because it is affecting their health, advise them to go see a professional for help. This way they are able to lose the weight safely.

  10. To maintain a healthy lifestyle you should have a healthy diet and exercise whenever you are able to. You can help others by letting them know that there are many different ways of being healthy and keeping your body the way you want it to be. You don't have to starve yourself you just need to be exercising and lowering portions or not eating very fattening foods. You need to tell the person that you care about them and that you are looking out for their safety.

  11. There are so many more safe ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You need to eat nutritious foods at a portion size appropriate for you. In addition, you should exercise regularly with a high intensity. This is a much healthier and safer way to deal with weight control than eating synthetic and chemical cotton balls.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. There are many ways to lose weight but one of them should not be stuffing cotton balls down your own throat.You are what you eat and you always have control on what you eat. So maybe if you want to lose weight you might want to try being active or playing tennis or even maybe just hanging out with your friends outside.

  14. THere a lot of ways to be healthy.People should balance what eat,not having to much of one thing.Also to exercise on a daily basis even if its just an hour.These are ways to live healthy and be happy.

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