Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast

Summary: People sometimes skip breakfast to lose wight, but that actually makes weight control more difficult. Studies show that breakfast gives you more energy to start the day and that people who eat breakfast weigh less because eating a heathy breakfast can reduce hunger through out the day and help people make better food choices. Eating a healthy breakfast can also help teens perform better in a classroom, concentration, and with problem solving.

Connection to health class: Eating a healthy breakfast is important for your mental and physical health. A healthy breakfast can give you the nutrients to lead the day and help you control your wight which leads to the connection of mental and physical health that we have learned in class. 

Question: Why do people skip breakfast and what is your view of a healthy breakfast?


  1. I am one of those people that don't eat breakfast. Personally I don't eat breakfast because of time in the morning durning the week I do eat breakfast on the weekends. I've heard of some reasons to not eat breakfast are to lose weight, don't feel like it and ect. Not eating will not help you lose weight that is an invalid reason because as soon as you start to eat again you gain weight. Breakfast is really good for you and it gets you going in the morning. I agree it is related to your mental and physical health because It gets your brain working in the morning and not eating with effect your energy level and your awakeness.

  2. I think people skip breakfast because they don't think it's important, or they don't feel like eating breakfast, or they don't have time to eat breakfast. However, breakfast gives you energy to stay awake during the day, so that you don't fall asleep in the middle of class. My view of a healthy breakfast is something with a lot of nutrients, such as cereal, or something with protein, such as bacon or eggs.

  3. There are so many reasons for why people skip breakfast but some are because they believe it is the only way to lose weight or it will prevent from getting a stomach ache during school. Honestly what they should realize is that by not eating you will not lose weight but what'll happen is the total opposite, you will gain. Also getting a stomach ache just means that you have to eat slower or go to the bathroom before arriving to school. Although a stomach ache is nothing compared to not getting the proper nutrients in your body in the morning as a breakfast to help you have energy for the rest of the day. In conclusion skipping any type of meal is never the answer.
    A healthy breakfast I would recommend is cereal with grapes,banana,and almonds or any types of proteins you can put on top.

  4. People skip breakfast for a lot of different reasons, in my opinion the 2 most common reasons are that they're in a hurry in the morning or that they can't eat that early in the morning because it disgusts them. A healthy breakfast is having vitamins by taking fruits for example, carbs with cereals or something similar and protein with something like protein bars or eggs.

  5. If it was left to my choice, then I'd be one of those who skip breakfast, but since it isn't, I do have my daily servivng of morning nutrition. I used to think along the lines of it not mattering much and that you can just make it up at lunch or brunch. Perhaps others may share the same perspective or maybe just to lose weight or be able to sleep a little longer. However, over time I realized that breakfast energizes you for the rest of the day, and benefits you in the long run with your studies and keeping on top of everything. I believe a healthy breakfast should consist of easily digestable and clean foods, like cereal, and maybe some protein or vitamins.

  6. Most people don't eat breakfast because they end up running out of time in the morning after getting ready. I always eat breakfast because I know that it has the right nutrients that help my body function during the day. For me, a healthy breakfast consists of foods from each food group because each one has their own benefits. Even if there is no time for a complete breakfast, a protein bar or something like that is better than nothing.

  7. I think many people don not have breakfast because they don not have much time in the morning or because they are not hungry so early. I think a healthy breakfast should include at least one fruit, milk, and cereals to give you energy for the whole day

  8. In my perspective, people usually will skip breakfast due to not having enough time to eat in the morning. It's hard to get up in the morning without staying in bed for an extra five or ten minutes. My view of a healthy breakfast contains a glass of milk, an egg along with some type of vegetables.

  9. In my opinion i think people skip breakfast either because they think it will help them lose weight or because they don't have enough time. I personally think a healthy breakfast would include eggs, fruits milk, and some bread.

  10. I think people skip their breakfast because they either thinks it's not good or it's just going to help them lose weight. I think breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day and when people don't eat breakfast that's when they have problems.

  11. I think people or at least teenagers skip breakfast because either they'll be late to school if they ate or they just want the extra sleep time and don't care about eating breakfast. I myself don't eat the average healthy breakfast because I am also low on time in the morning and I already wake up at 5:50 everyday so I just have cereal. I wish I could have the "healthy breakfast" everyday but time is my only obstacle.

  12. Like a few people mentioned, my main reason for not eating a full breakfast is because I don't have enough time. Right now I usually eat a tiny bowl or cereal or if I'm lucky, a piece of toast. Sometimes I don't even have time for that and simply eat a granola bar on the way to school. I am aware it is unhealthy and wish that I could eat a full breakfast.

  13. Most students in high school actually don't skip breakfast to lose weight. They skip breakfast because food just isn't a priority in the mornings when you're rushing out the door. I think a healthy breakfast depends on the person. But generally, I think some fruit juice, eggs, protein, and a little of vegetables seems pretty healthy.

  14. The reason kids skip breakfast is because they don't really see a point in it. While rushing to get to school, most kids don't think about their nutritional needs. I'm someone who always eats breakfast just because it has become routine in my household. A healthy breakfast should include protein and vitamins to give you enough energy to start the day.

  15. Some reasons why one might choose not to have breakfast is either you're in a hurry to get to school or work, or you aren't hungry in the mornings. Many people don't do well with mornings before school, and when it comes to breakfast, it's lower on the priority list. A healthy breakfast should consist of enough to get your brain working for most of the day, so it should likely contain vitamins and nutrients and other energy rich foods so you can have enough energy so that you don't get tired later on.

  16. The reason people skip breakfast is because they have to rush and go to school, so breakfast is skipped and they are tired and hungry during the day. A healthy breakfast should consist of something that is nutritious, like bacon, eggs, and fruit juice, would constitute of a good breakfast.

  17. Breakfast is skipped for many reasons. People don't have time to eat in the mornings, people are too nervous that they cannot consume anything ,or people just want to lose weight. A healthy breakfast is very important because it helps you have more energy and you are able to concentrate more. I'm the type of person who just can't consume food in the morning so it is very hard for me to have energy in the mornings and be able to learn. A healthy breakfast consists of a bowl of fruit ,eggs , and a glass of orange juice.

  18. I think most people skip breakfast because they do not have time in the morning, so they are rushing and don't have the time to grab a bite of something. A healthy breakfast would be oatmeal, fruits, protein filled cereal, yogurt or bagels.

  19. I think people skip breakfast because they think they don't have any time to eat or they feel rushed. Fortunately, Aragon provides a breakfast/brunch but other schools don't. I think a healthy breakfast would be fruit and yogurt, with a carbohydrate like a bagel or toast and a protein low in fat, with milk or orange juice.

  20. I think people skip breakfast because people think it's not that important or they they don't have enough time because of school. I think a healthy breakfast would be fruit, toast, eggs and milk, but if you don't have enough time, you can quickly make a smoothie that contains fruits or veggies of your choice, water, and protein powder. If you can't even make that, you can quickly grab a fruit and a protein bar.

  21. I think that people skip breakfast either because they don't have the time or they just don't think it's important. A healthy breakfast would consist of fruits, oatmeal, milk, or eggs. Personally, I don't care what I have for breakfast. As long as I eat enough to get me through the morning.

  22. People sometimes skip breakfast because they think they might get skinnier or because they are running late. I think that a healthy breakfast is fruit oatmeal and some kind of nutritious drink.

  23. People see breakfast as an optional meal when in reality it is the most important most meal of the day. When you do not have breakfast you do not have the energy to work at your best the whole day. Healthy breakfasts are important, however most of the time I do not have time to make a healthy breakfast and often I have to settle for an unhealthy option.

  24. People sometimes skip breakfast because they wake up late. They wake up late because they go to bed late. If you don't eat breakfast you brain will not be working very good and then you get pain in your stomach. For me healthy breakfast is fruit,yogurt,milk.

  25. Sometimes I skip breakfast. Some problems are that we wake up late or we don't feel like eating. I suggest that people pack some bars or something to eat on the way to school or between classes. Keep some snack in your backpack so you have food if your hungry or skipped breakfast.

  26. I think the reason people tend to skip breakfast is because they don't have time in the morning due to oversleeping in the morning, which therefore links to sleep deprivation. Maybe if teens got more sleep, then perhaps they would have more time to eat in the morning and be healthy. Teens' classroom performance would also improve because their brain has the nutrients it needs to function at such an early time. My view on a healthy breakfast is something like a couple of Eggo waffles, or sometimes I have around 2 bowls of cereal or until I'm full. I think one should have more of a protein source instead of all sugar because they'll crash later in the day.

  27. I think the reason people skip breakfast is because they are not hungry at the moment or their stomach is hurting. My view of a healthy breakfast is something healthy and quick to eat before you go off to school. For instincts my breakfast in the morning is either fruit or an granola bar.

  28. I think people skip breakfast because they don't have time from lack of sleep or if they are running late. Also, some people might just forget to eat breakfast. There are others who try to skip breakfast just to get skinnier. My view on a healthy breakfast is some sugars and proteins like an egg and chocolate milk.

  29. I believe people skip breakfast to fit an image that society has set for people. They don't care if it is unhealthy, they want to fit in to what people's image is of an ideal person. I think a healthy breakfast consists of things like protein and things that will get you through the day.

  30. I think people skip out on breakfast because they don't have time in the morning and they're rushing out the door. But personally, I think breakfast is very important. It really affects your attitude, especially the fact that we (hopefully) sleep for a number of hours, we need to put something in our stomachs. And breakfast is called breakfast because you're breaking the hours you're fasting (while you're sleeping, you're not eating.)

  31. I think people like to skip breakfast because they think they will lose weight and because of peer pressure. Some people have friends that tell them and convince them that it is not bad and wont disrupt their normal day in any way. And they tell them it is completely safe.
    -Arturo Rivera
