Tuesday, October 28, 2014

7 ways to stop unhealthy eating


Many people have food cravings. These cravings lead to obesity and a loss of self-control. Scientist and doctors have now found 7 ways to stop these cravings. Number one: Asking whether you are hungry. Many people when craving are not actually hungry, they just like the taste. If you are not hungry don't eat food. Number Two: Consider what your body really needs. If your body does not need the energy and/or nutrients don't eat it. Number Three: Pay attention to what you crave. If you are craving a certain food you may need to se a doctors help. Number Four: Stop the train of Though. Just don't think about eating. Number Five: Look for a distraction. Look for a distraction that will take your mind of eating food. Number Six: Cut yourself a break. Do not cut cold turkey, decrease by small portions until you don't have to eat the food anymore. Number Seven: Prevent food cravings in the firs place. Do not start a food craving if you do not already have one.

Relation to Health Class:
We have been talking about obesity, and food cravings is a main part of this. I felt that this was a good fix to this problem.

Discussion Question:
Do you think these methods will work on you if you had a food craving? Why or why not?


  1. The only person who can change your ways of living and thinking is you. People can tell you that you're unnhealthy, but they cannot make you do it.

  2. Whether these methods will work or not really depends on the person who is trying them. For some people, they may get rid of their cravings easily by using these methods. For others, their addictions may be too strong for the cravings to go away in a short amount of time. Also, usually when people try too hard to ignore something, they end up thinking about it even more.
    And your picture really caught my attention!

  3. I agree with Justin, it depends on who the person is is and his enthusiasm towards these new dietary habits. If it was for me, I could simply use these tips to help myself from having certain food cravings. For other people though, it may be harder for them or easier again depending on the person.

  4. I agree with Justin, it depends on the person. For some people, it might work, but for others who are not enthusiastic about it, they can be useless. The only person who can control stuff like this is yourself.

  5. I think that these tips might be helpful to people, but it depends on how strong their food craving are, and how much they need to eat.

  6. I think the scientists that comes up with these methods are brilliant and all these methods are worth a shot is you ever have food craving problems. In middle school, I used to go out after school a buy a large fries at McDonald when ever I had a chance, but then I gave that up after a day when I accidentally left the fries over the weekend in my backpack and the fries looks exactly the same as I left it two days after. From that day I decided that there are something wrong in the fries and I should stop.

  7. I believe many of these tips are helpful. Especially eating smaller portions of food, but i also think that when you're craving something, just drink water. It fills up 30% of that craving you have for food.

  8. I am confused, to say the least, about tip #7. How does one avoid getting a food craving? If it were that simple, food cravings would be rare in the first place, as people would just choose not to get them.
