Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Eating disorders in Teens

Eating Disorders

Summary : Eating Disorders are really common in America. " 1 or 2 out of every 100 students will struggle with one". They develope problems with weight or body image. Eating disorder is not just going on a diet or exercising, its extreme and the "diet" never ends, and continues to get worse. Eating disorders can lead to being Anorexic . Anorexia is having a real fear weight gain and change of body size and shape. They can't maintain a healthy body weight. They barely eat, the small amount of food they do eat becomes an obsession and doesn't stay down.

Relation to Health Class:  This relates to health class because social media influences the health of teens. The teens costly want to be like other and models. Judging people can do a lot of damage to people (teens) health. Health class is trying to teach us how to stay healthy and how to help others. 

Question: To what extent do you think that teens are influenced by social media? What do you think causes eating disorders? 


  1. Social Media is causing teens to want to look like models which isn't healthy because it is very unnatural. Teens are looking at magazine covers or photo-shopped images of people are thinking that they are perfect but in reality those people are suffering on the inside. Eating disorders are caused by completely changing your diet. Teens aren't eating enough or are making themselves throw up after every meal to be able to loose weight to look like models.

  2. I think social media has a big impact on teens. The media portrays people to be perfect human beings with the perfect bodies, which are unreasonable and unhealthy. Seeing this, teenagers begin to feel pressured to look like the models and go on insane diets to become thin. This is a big cause for eating disorders.

  3. Teens are being influenced by an image that is unreal, not reality. who is it to blame?, the social media. They need to know that barbie doll doesn't really exist at all like ever. What causes eating disorders could be many things like, stress, no exercise, no sleep, no good diet, models, cartoon characters, actresses, and the social media, which comes all in one package.

  4. Social Media plays a huge role in our lives today. It sets standards for us to meet and makes us feel insecure. Eating disorders are caused due to multiple reasons. Although it all comes down to insecurity. We need to learn to love ourselves in every single way because we only get one life.

  5. I feel that social media promotes people with perfect bodies and perfect weight and puts down people who don't have those qualities. Many magazines and commercials show models that claim to have perfect bodies. There are many reasons why people have eating disorders, but I feel like the social media has the most impact on them.

  6. I believe that social media plays a huge part in a teen's life. It can change their mood in seconds. For example, if they see pictures of models and skinny people, it can make them feel bad about themselves. They can develop major diseases like anorexia. I think that social media and other people's comments cause eating disorders. People influence other people more than they think they do. A simple "your hair is messed up," even in a joking way, can effect a person's life greatly.

  7. I believe that social media and technology both have a huge impact on today's generation. Teen's are influenced on the "perfect body" that they dream of, like they see how their role models look like. We should be under the influence to love how we look and love who we are, and I think we need more social media/technology influence on that.

  8. I think teen do get distracted by the social media even today.Many teens get start with eating disorders because of stress,lying,jealousy, and more.
