Sunday, November 2, 2014

U.N. Panel Issues Its Starkest Warning Yet on Global Warming

Summary: Recently the U.N. has determined that the risks of global warming could possibly reverse several generations of work to end poverty and hunger, if greenhouse emissions continue in the same rate. Even though many countries have worked to stop climate change, there is a large amount of new countries that are becoming more modern, and have begun to burn huge quantities of fossil fuels. The affects of global warming would be food shortages, mass flooding, extinction of plants and animals, and a dangerous climate. If global warming continues at this rate, eventually it will be irreversible.

Connection to health class: This article relates to how we learn in health to make conscious choices. This article inform us about how our actions will affect the planet and our own health. Global warning is a very important and dangerous health risk, and it is important to be knowledgeable about it.

Question: How could this directly affect our lives and what can we do to stop it?

1 comment:

  1. I just researched Al Gore for my Humanitarian Project so I learned a lot about global warming and what is being done to stop it. Just the other day, the United States had their first snowstorm of the season close to a month early. I think this really shows how many changes are taking place. Global warming is messing up all the patterns we as humans have grown used to and will really change how people are able to live their lives. Like the article says, it may cause flooding, food shortages etc. So what we need to do to stop it is admit that it is happening, and find a clean energy source. We need to stop pumping harmful gasses into our atmosphere and that will help stop climate change.
